Monday, December 12, 2011


Just wanted to post two things that we thought were funny and didn't want to forget.  I am sure the boys will laugh at these pictures later.

This is a project that William did at Mother's Day Out.  I think it speaks for itself!

Here is Keaton with his arm stuck in the pipe on the bottom of a boat chair.  Paitaintly waiting for Daddy to help him get unstuck. But what does Daddy do, decides he needs a mini photo shoot before helping poor Keaton! 

He is getting a little worried here that Daddy may never free him!

"Daddy get me out of here!!!"  Hmmm I bet he never does that again!

Fall Happenings

This Fall was very busy.  Packed full of fun family time.  We did a little dove hunting, not near as much as Wilson would have liked.  We are lucky that the Hevner's welcome us to their place every dove season.  We always have so much fun there, shooting birds, skeet, and feeding cows.

We also went to playgroup with some of our favorite friends and painted pumpkins.  For those who know me, know that Fall is my favorite season, so pumpkin painting was right up my alley.  The boys had so much fun and their pumpkins looked great on our front porch!

We also celebrated Wilson's 31st birthday in October.  Nothing big, but we did have his grandmother, sister, and niece and nephew over for baked potato soup and chocolate pie.  The boys thought it was so fun to hang a "Happy Birthday" banner and help me make Daddy's cake! 

And last but not least we wrapped up October with a little Halloween fun!  William was really into finding the perfect costume this year.  In years past I have just picked one out and he was happy with it, but not this time.  He was dead set on being Batman, and not just any Batman, the one with the muscles.  My original plan was for William to be Batman and Keaton to be Robin, but Keaton fell in love with a Lightning McQueen costume (with muscles) so I gave in.  Every year our church, Cowboy Fellowship, hosts a Fall Festival.  This is an awesome event that is free to the public.  We have tons of fun booths, games, candy, and several interesting ways of presenting the message of salvation.  We always look forward to Fall Festival and the fun and fellowship it brings. Wilson, is a Lay Pastor at our church so he needed to be at Fall Festival early to help set up and help make sure things run smoothly, so my mom came over to help me with the kids.  We began the night with a stop by Wilson's aunt and uncle's house.  Every year they have a Halloween party for their neighborhood.  The kids had lots of fun there and we had a hard time convincing them to leave, but there was more fun in store for them.  Next we stopped by Wilson's grandmother's assisted living home.  That was so much fun!  All the residents sat outside their doors and handed out candy.  From there we finally headed to the park for Fall Festival.  After visiting many booths and collecting ALOT of candy, my mom took the boys home while Wilson and I stayed to help clean up the park.  We had a very busy but fun evening and I so enjoyed watching the boys in action!
Here is William at Toys R Us after we found THE costume.  He was so excited!!!

Keaton enjoying the bounce house at Uncle Roy and Aunt Cathy's

William and Mamaw, didn't she look so cute!!!

Mamaw with three of her great-grandsons

Pretty sure Keaton is trying to convince these last two residents that he didn't have enough candy!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pizza Time!!!

I just love our family time and I love the nights when we don't have anything planned but to just hang out with each other.  On one particular night we decided to have a pizza making party.  If you know Wilson, you know that he does nothing half way, so of course we couldn't just buy the pre-made dough and add our own toppings.  We had to make homemade dough and roll it out ourselves,  this was actually more fun because the boys got to take part in the rolling action, but man was it messy!!!  The dough took a little longer to rise than we had anticipated so the kids were getting a little ancy and Keaton kept getting in his chair at the table and saying, "I eat sessa (pizza)!" Poor guy wasn't really that into making the pizza but more into eating it!  We had so much fun and it was so yummy.  These are the memories I hope we will treasure forever. 

Keaton in time out for throwing flour on the floor


And Waiting.....

Finally he had to see what was taking so long!


I am sitting here at 4:30 in the morning, can't sleep.  My mind is on some sweet friends of ours, the Ruple family.  For most of you who read my blog you already know their story because you are following their blog, but for those of you who don't here it is.  Our friends Jason and Courtney (Jason grew up two houses down from Wilson and they have been friends their entire lives) found out several weeks ago that their unborn baby girl has Spina Bifida.  Since finding out they have had many appointments with different doctors.  They have decided to undergo an in-utero surgery to give their sweet baby the best shot they can.  This surgery is not without risk and Courtney will have to spend at least a week in the hospital and several more weeks on complete bed rest until she delivers the baby.  Jason and Courtney also have a precious two year old boy, Bryson.  As you can imagine this is a super tough season they are going through, so I am asking for prayer, LOTS of prayer for this family over the next several weeks.  Courtney will check into the hospital on December 14 and surgery will be on the 15th.  Please pray for safety, that God will guide the hands of the surgeons, pray for peace and calm nerves for Jason and Courtney.  Pray for sweet Bryson as his routine has been completely turned upside down.  Pray for the people who are stepping in to help care for Bryson.  Pray for strength for Courtney, as a mom I know she is struggling with not being able to be everything she wants to be for Bryson right now.   Pray for Jason as he will be juggling a job, Courtney being in the hospital/on bed rest, and caring for Bryson.  Pray for rest for the entire family. And most of all pray for sweet, sweet Caroline Grace.  Pray that the surgery will be successful and that it will provide her a chance of living a normal life.  Also pray that she will stay warm and cozy in her mommy's tummy until 34 weeks.  We know our God works in BIG ways, so please pray BIG for the Ruple family!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wier Wedding

On October 1, Wilson's step-brother got married and we added a precious new lady to our family.  Grady and Lisa called to ask William to be their ring bearrer and  he was so excited to have the chance to wear a tuxedo.  The day we picked up the tux he tried it on and was so proud of how handsome he looked.  He kept checking himself out in the mirror.  He took this position very seriously and did a great job the day of the wedding.  At the reception the kids had a blast tearing up the dance floor.  William REALLY had fun.  At one point he literally had the majority of the guests in a circle around him while he would choose one girl to pull into the circle to dance with him then he would put her back and choose another one.  He was cracking us up!  When we left he said to us,  "everybody thought I was cool."  We had a great time and are so glad Grady and Lisa have begun their lives together and hopefully we will have some more babies joining our crowd soon! 
The week leading up to the wedding we were able to spend some time with Wilson's other step-brother Russell, his wife Dianne, and our niece Reagan.  They live in Italy so we don't get to see them too often so we were really excited to have some time with them!

Beware: LOTS of pictures!!!

At the San Antonio Children's Museum with all the cousins. 

Rehersal Dinner

The Happy Couple

Wedding Day- Nana and Papa and their grandbabies

LOVE my little family!!!